
Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Busy Mom, Busy Baby. How are you?

Hi everyone! How have you all been doing?   Ok, I haven't been blogging.  My excuse?  The usual.  Busy.   And I would like to keep you up on what's happening with our family.

I've been back to work part-time and I'm also back to studying. Our cousin helps out with Renzo when we're not home and she's absolutely wonderful!  

Nelson's busy at work but have had time to play a round of tennis the other week which made him very happy.  Have I ever told you what a health buff he is? (more about that later)

Renzo.  Oh my... Where to begin?  He's definitely bigger.  He has learned to wave bye-bye and stand holding on to things.  I've started him on Gymboree classes which we attend every Saturdays.  He absolutely loves playing with the other babies!  I've started him on solids successfully at 6 months and now that he's almost 9 months, we've introduce many varieties of veggies and fruits.  He loves carrots and peas, devours his bananas and can't wait for his prunes.  He have also mastered getting off our living room center table, feet first.  We take him to the playground to swing and he has a blast each time.

I'll be telling you more about these in the coming days.  I just wanted to touch base with all of you and to let you know we're doing great!

How is everybody?  Take care and hope to hear from you!!!

- Joy

1 comment:

Julia, the Thanksgiving Girl said...

Oh wow, you must be busy! It does sound like there's a lot happenign for you. Happy to hear you and Renzo are doing great :)